Asset 94677
© Danile Kalinke
Asset 94677
© Danile Kalinke


Die heilige Zwiespalt Trilogie Teil #2: Die 7 Epic Fails


Pay as much as you feel

Past dates



10:30 PM

Ambition is generally regarded as the key to success. Self-optimization is therefore important. Renate Stahl, for example, prefers to be rich, but without generosity it won’t work out. Dancing Svensation would like to be forever young, but even that doesn’t happen without the necessary moderation. The rather promiscuous Bianca Schrittständer has to start practice abstinence for health reasons and Missy Lopes has long since relaxed her frown line with patience, completely without Botox. Even Sebastian of Sebastian has a lot of goodwill and Danny Banany is working up to his ears anyway - without diligence no price! If only there wasn’t always this inner voice that calls for sabotage. How good it is to be able to sing about it in Kick-Ass Queereeoké!

Funded by Bündnis internationaler Produktionshäuser by Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.