Migrated artists, creatives and their stories


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6:00 PM

What does it mean to feel foreign or at home? What does it mean to have arrived or to perceive oneself as such, or perhaps the opposite? And how do these questions influence one's own creative work? The writer and playwright Waseem Alsharqi, the Palestinian writer Abdalrahman Alqalaq, the freelance journalist Dima AlBitar Kalaji and the Swedish writer Jonas Hassen Khemiri will talk about this in a reading and discussion

Waseem Alsharqi, writer, dramaturge, director, studied theatre studies at the Higher Institute for Dramatic Arts in Damascus and at the Free University of Berlin. He has worked as a dramaturge in many theatre productions in Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Germany and Sweden. In addition to his theatre work, he works in cultural journalism and publishes on many Arabic platforms.

Abdalrahman Alqalaq is a Palestinian writer, poet and performer. His poetry debut ‘twenty-four’ was published in Arabic in 2022. This was followed in 2024 by his first book in German, "Übergangsritus" (poems and prose). Abdalrahman Alqalaq was awarded the Chamisso Publication Scholarship by the Friedrich Baur Foundation, which is awarded annually to writers of non-German origin.

Dima Al-Bitar Kalaji, born in Damascus, lives as a freelance journalist in Berlin. In Damascus, she co-directed Radio SouriaLi. In Berlin, she works as an editor at "WIR MACHEN DAS". She has produced the podcasts "Syrmania" for Deutschlandfunk Kultur and "(W)Ortwechseln. Weiter Schreiben - Briefe" in cooperation with rbbKultur and has published texts for the Federal Agency for Civic Education, among others. She is a guest author for "10 nach 8".

Jonas Hassen Khemiri, writer and playwright, born in Stockholm to a Swedish mother and Tunisian father, studied economics in Paris and literature at Stockholm University. His novels have made him one of Sweden's best-known authors and have been translated into over 20 languages. In addition to the BoråsTidnings Debut Prize, he was awarded the Per Olov Enquist Prize in 2006 and the August Prize, Sweden's most important literary award, in 2015 for his novel "Everything I Don't Remember". His debut play "Invasion!" was an international success and also established him as one of the most important contemporary Scandinavian playwrights.

Burcu Dogramaci will moderate the discussion. She teaches art history at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich and researches exile, migration and transfer, photography and architecture, fashion, media and modernity