Lotic / Bubbaloo
Concert & Party
Lotic – from, living with or in flowing water, creates with »Water« a queer homage to fluidity and siren song.
Past dates
10:00 PM
Lotic’s sound is the epitome of change – »to taste of new« as it says in the programmatic song »Changes« on her 2021 album »Water«. Similar to Arca and SOPHIE, the Berlin-based musician
creates a tender approach to experimental music with intimate insights and beguiling atmospheres. Björk once called her »the fiercest performer DJ I’ve ever heard.« This was followed by a successful collaboration for Björk’s »Vulnicura« album. Lotic is no stranger to the performing arts either, in 2018, she collaborated with choreographer Roderick George on FLESHLESS BEAST at Sophiensæle Berlin.
Although Lotic’s days as a resident at Berghain are behind her, the sound of the club has remained a part of her. With explicit lyrics about queer life and desire, race and gender, she was already celebrated for her debut album »Power« in 2018. With »Water« she released a revelation of resistance, love and loss that is as loving as it is opulent. This will be followed by Bubbaloo, a party curated by SLIC Unit member yung_womb with an all Latin American lineup spanning between reggaeton, baile funk and merengue hip-rap. Guests include: BAD PUPPY, Mujercobra and Maque Tumai.