Tabea Martin
Pink for Girls and Blue for Boys
Past dates
6:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
3:00 PM
6:00 PM
An exciting and entertaining dance piece for both adults and kids above the age of six, about how girls and boys relate to colors and to others genders.
A sofa, popcorn, house plants. Two women and two men put on morphsuits, turn on the music and a fog machine and start to dance. The choreography – a blend of figures, styles and pairs – becomes wilder and wilder, depicting a game with roles of gender. At some point the audience is asked – or rather, challenged. The result: loud participation and, ultimately, an on-stage explosion of imagination. The piece by Swiss choreographer Tabea Martin is a wonderful dance piece about how children feel about being a boy or a girl. Using conversations she conducted with kids, Martin has created a piece about clichés, prejudices and the breadth of possibility. It stimulates – with a lot of fun – children over the age of six (and their parents) to get involved and to think, and does so with skilled performances and without succumbing to the didacticism of children’s theater.