Trajal Harrell / Zürich Dance Ensemble
The Köln Concert
In THE KÖLN CONCERT, choreographer Trajal Harrell brings together one of the most famous solo piano recordings of all time, the "Cologne Concert" by American jazz pianist Keith Jarrett, and songs by Canadian musician Joni Mitchell, two icons of music history who have not only shaped his own artistic practice but also generations with their music. Seven dancers from the Zurich Dance Ensemble, influenced by different dance traditions and styles, join their music in a tender way, devoting themselves to the intimate and vulnerable moment of encounter. THE KÖLN CONCERT was the first production by Trajal Harrell and the dance ensemble at Schauspielhaus Zürich in 2020. This summer, Trajal Harrell was awarded the Silver Lion at the Biennale Danza in Venice. Keith Jarrett is »his composer«, Harrell reveals, as his own work has evolved through his encounter with Jarrett's oeuvre. This summer, Trajal Harrell will be awarded the Silver Lion at the Danza Biennale in Venice. »Trajal Harrell is a true original, one of the most original and sought-after dancers and choreographers in recent years who advances an expanded dance which metabolises Vogue dance, postmodern, butoh, research and pop culture.« Wayne McGregor, Direktor Biennale Danza.