Kampnagel sommerfestival logo anschnitt 4c
Conny Frischauf
© Zoe Kursawe
Conny Frischauf
© Zoe Kursawe

Festival Avant-Garten

JAJAJA & Guests, Felix Kubin Pres. Demo Dandies Kinder + Blindfold Babies, Conny Frischauf, RVDS, Krachkisten für Kinder, Manuel Muerte, #Idancemystory


3 Euro


HIER finden Sie alle aktuellen Informationen und Corona-Regeln für Ihren Besuch. Auf dem gesamten Gelände besteht Maskenpflicht, auch im Avant-Garten und auf der Piazza muss eine FFP2- oder OP-Maske getragen werden. Diese darf auf den Sitzplätze im Garten oder gastronomischen Bereich abgelegt werden.

Past dates




1:00 PM

Conny Frischauf
© Zoe Kursawe
© Krachkistenorchester
© Nguyen Phuong-Dan
© Nguyen Phuong-Dan
Demo Dandies
© Marcus Mohr

Conny Frischauf




Demo Dandies


The two Felixes Kubin and Raeithel present their tried and tested DJ format Demo Dandies in a special children's version. The clou: Children bring their musical demos to Kampnagel and are then presented to an audience by the Demo Dandies. In an antithesis to cynical casting shows, there are only winners in this empowering format, and if that weren't enough, the two play obscure children's music from all over the world under the project name Blindfold Babies with their eyes covered and nerd know-how.

And this is how you can take part in the Demo Dandies Show: Bring your music on a clearly labelled CD to our show and hand it over at the DJ desk. Prior to the show, send an email with 3-5 sentences about your music to: info@demodandies.de with subject line »Kellerkrach«. Don’t forget to attach an mp3 for pre-listening! (More infos and details HERE in English)

16:15 – 17:00 A.K. KLOSOWSKI Der LoFi-Wave Veteran und Gagarin Labelkünstler A.K. Klosowski spielt eines seiner raren Sets af dem Kassetteninstrument und entführt uns in eine Zeit, in der Sampling noch eine aufregende und avantgardistische Kulturtechnik war.

18:30 – 20:00 RVDS Musician, composer and DJ, RVDS experiments with sounds, especially jazz, classical and electronic music. He works collaboratively with various musicians, artists and filmmakers such as Jacques Palminger and the 440hz Trio or as part of the project Sky Walking. Inspired by the otherworldly exotica and imaginative electronics of library music’s golden age, RVDS conjures palm trees and pyramids, promenades and portals into the Festival Avant-Garden.

20:30 – 22:00 CONNY FRISCHAUF Viennese artist Conny Frischauf’s music is a whirl of Kraut, leftfield electronica and synth pop. She playfully shines a new light on tradition to create a fresh, contemporary sound. Frischauf deploys a wide range of instruments, adding a wealth of color whilst balancing her playful approach with unfailing transparency, each element clearly arranged to create a particular sound. The complexity of simplicity.


17:00 – 18:00 KRACHKISTEN FOR KIDS The Krachkisten Orchestra produces improvised electric sounds with self-made analogue box-like instruments. The orchestra, founded in 2009 by Hamburg based artist TinTin Patrone, has toured to several art-institutions in Europe. As well as their musicality, there is a highly artistic quality in the craftsmanship of the instruments, which the Krachkisten Orchestra showcase in the performative way they present themselves in the playing space, in this case the Sommerfestival Avant Garden. They play their boxes for adults and kids alike, making it a fun and exiting show that will get people of all ages to groove along.

The specialist in illusion and deception has been moving for years at the intersection of magic and enlightenment, was awarded the important Sarmoti Prize donated by Siegfried and Roy in Las Vegas and can also be seen this year on the big stage of the summer festival with ILLUSIONEN. On the last day of the festival, Muerte now gives child-compatible insights into his magical abilities on the Kanalbühne.

18:00-19:00 #IDANCEMYSTORY Is a German-French dance project by the cultural channel arte, which has been calling on young dance enthusiasts to show themselves and their own stories since the beginning of May. As part of the summer festival, an intensive MasterClass will take place, whose participants will present their stories at the Kanalbühne under the direction of Breaking legend Niels »Storm« Robitzky.

From 18:30 JAJAJA & GUESTS



15:00 – 22:00 REDCHILD’S SUNSET JAM MC, musician, producer and all-rounder Redchild aka @r3dchild, most recently at Kampnagel as host of the Fusion Dance Battle, hosts his SUNSET JAM on the last Sunday of the festival at the Kampnagel Piazza in front of - and in cooperation with - the Peacetanbul Restaurant. He lovingly brings together good taste, music and street art. People from the fields of street dance, street art (graphic art / graffiti), music and sports meet young and young at heart culture enthusiasts. The Jam program is not booked on a fixed basis. Instead, the invited artists decide spontaneously whether they simply want to participate in the various actions, or share their art with the audience on site.


From 16:00 SOLICASINO No Summer Festival would be complete without this classic form of entertainment-solidarity. Where else can the joyful (games, fun, diversion) be combined with the helpful (charity)? If luck holds out, there will also be an un-loseable raffle, along with countless other aces up countless other sleeves. It will be as worthwhile as ever and don’t forget: When you lose, others win! Strong drinks, liqueur and soft music will also be on offer – we promise!


Like last year, Hamburg's pearl of pleasure parks will be designed by JASCHA&FRANZ - conceptually accompanied by the long-time festival associated performance group JAJAJA and extended by a Waldbühne by Urs Amadeus Ulbrich and Gras & Steine. With references to fun fairs and theme parks and with a concept for accessibility, the Festival Avant-Garden offers various areas with installations, performances, culinary delights from the Peacetanbul Restaurant and a daily changing program on several open-air stages and the Migrantpolitan building (details in the program overview).

Capacity is limited due to the pandemic and access is only possible with a personalized ticket (3€, available in advance and at the box office). With a ticket for another festival performance on the same evening you can enter the garden for free - as long as there is enough capacity, otherwise there might be bridgeable waiting times. Seated areas in front of the various garden stages will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Details about hygiene rules on site will be published here in due time.

HERE you will find all the latest information and Corona rules for your visit.

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Supported within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR #TakeAction and #TakePart by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.Project funding: Hamburgische Kulturstiftung and von Berlichingen & Partner Steuerberatungsgesellschaft.