Two images that have been digitally superimposed. In the background is a hill with a house, trees and lots of sky. In the foreground, a woman sits with her legs drawn up to her body and looks upwards.
© Andreas Schmitt
Two images that have been digitally superimposed. In the background is a hill with a house, trees and lots of sky. In the foreground, a woman sits with her legs drawn up to her body and looks upwards.
© Andreas Schmitt

Monique Smith-McDowell

A Place Called Home


15 Euro (conc. 9 Euro, [k]-Karte 7,50 Euro). Blind and visually impaired guests receive free admission with the code AUDIO when booking tickets.


Possible triggers: Loud music, Images of pain/suffering, fog, topics of discrimination.
Audio description in English, with German translation available.

Past dates

»Perhaps home is not a place, but an irrevocable condition«

» «
James Baldwin

A PLACE CALLED HOME is a dance production that explores the idea of "home" and its political, social and emotional facets in terms of choreography and content. Among a team of performers and an audio describer who share the experience of migration, A PLACE CALLED HOME deals with individual, migrant perspectives and worlds of experience: with the losses experienced and the longing, as part of a community and in mutual care, to re-appropriate the concept of home. The artistic process, which combines music, artistic audio description and choreography, incorporates the experiences and personal archives of the performers. In this way, A PLACE CALLED HOME dances deeply into the emotional, multifaceted and physical experiences of home.

HEY LISTEN - Audio Description Special: In autumn 2024, four Hamburg groups will present works with artistic and integrated audio description. Kampnagel invites blind and visually impaired audiences to the shows, talks and the opening on Wed 23 Oct. The post-performance talk for A PLACE CALLED HOME ist at Sat-16.11.

A pick-up and escort service from the nearby bus and train stations can be requested up to 7 days in advance for this performance or by voice message to 01796714489.

Concept, Choreography and Dance Monique Smith-McDowell Dance and Co-choreography Alessia Vinotto, Isidora Soto Frias, Anam (Lukas) Lubisia, Virendra Nishad Artistic audio description Zwoisy Mears-Clarke Audio description dramaturgy Fia/Sophia Neises and Nicole Meyer Audio description advisory Elyas Ahmadi & Jasmin Kahramen Music Mona Reichling Light design Joshua Paul Costume Mareike Alexander Stage design Leonard Schulz Dramaturgy Barbara Schmidt-Rohr and Su Jin Kim Social Media Kenneth Komlan Soussoukp Production Managment Sina Rundel & Uta Engel (LEAD Productions) Production Assistant Leticia Rametsi German translation Florence Freitag

Supported by Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur und Medien and Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.