Panel Cypher
by Gifty Lartey and Raphael Moussa Hillebrand
Past dates
5:00 PM
What responsibilities arise from the history of HipHop and how can people relate to it in their practice? HipHop is part of a larger historical cultural context and encompasses a universe of different dance styles such as African Traditional, Jazz, Lindy Hop, Rock n Roll, Funk, Clubbing and Ballroom Culture. What they all have in common is that they were created by Black and PoC people who lived outside their continent and became a diaspora. The PANEL CYPER alternates between panel discussion and cypher to bring together theory, practice and consciousness. Gifty Lartey and Raphael Moussa Hillebrand are the hosts and invite the panelists and the audience to take over the space to the music of DJ Jada and enter into an exchange with bodies and rhythms.