Asset 96428
© Hanadi Chawaf
Asset 96428
© Hanadi Chawaf
Music / Discourse / Theatre / Visual Arts / Migrantpolitan / Video / Film

Tag 2 - Revolution Now!

mit Fadi Jomer u.a.


Tickets: Eintritt zum Souq: 5 € / mit Musikprogramm: 12 €Die Erlöse des Revolutionary Souq gehen an das Hatay und Kiles Camp für Geflüchtete in der Türkei.Souk, Galerie, Panels, Filmprogramm ab 18:00 / Musikprogramm ab 22:00Am Samstag ist der Souq schon ab 16:00 geöffnet und bis 17:45 kostenlos.

Past dates



6:00 PM

Before the revolution, Syrians saw their country as a blend of beauty, pain and fear, in which people lacked rights and their dignity was »below the human-rights threshold.« Now the revolution begins. The state reacts immediately: Checkpoints are erected. Prices rise. Demonstrations move through the installation – and the theatrical counter-reaction doesn’t take long to appear either. The band Nashama has collected the revolution’s most popular songs in a songbook, which they accentuate with electronic beats – forming a carpet of sound for the revolutionary mood. Prominent activist/artists take over the panel: The singer Samih Chokier, who lives in French exile, and the author Fadi Jomer share their views.