In a dark stage space, 10 black dancers stand on pointe shoes with white, ankle-length skirts. They are all bare-chested and hold small white glowing wire objects above their heads - including a tree, a car and a rooster.
© Mark Wessels
In a dark stage space, 10 black dancers stand on pointe shoes with white, ankle-length skirts. They are all bare-chested and hold small white glowing wire objects above their heads - including a tree, a car and a rooster.
© Mark Wessels

Mamela Nyamza

Hatched Ensemble


36/24/14 Euro (conc. ab 9 Euro, [k]-Karte from 7 Euro)


Recommended from 13 years




8:00 PM




8:00 PM




8:00 PM


Funny, tragic, touching.

» «
rbb, Frank Schmid

In a captivating choreography with ten ballet dancers, an opera singer and a live musician, South African choreographer Mamela Nyamza creates a poetic and visually powerful universe of new dance history. The dancers balance on pointe shoes with their backs to the audience while Camille Saint-Saëns' famous melody “The Swan” plays. With subtle gestures and great precision, they juxtapose the music and movement vocabulary of different cultures and break down attributions. In HATCHED ENSEMBLE, Mamela Nyamza continues her exploration of identity and belonging, (gender) norms and tradition and not only devotes herself to the deconstruction and disenchantment of classical Western dance history, but also reflects on her personal biography as a Black lesbian mother and artist.

In a dark stage space, 10 black dancers stand on pointe shoes with white, ankle-length skirts. They are all bare-chested and hold small white glowing wire objects above their heads - including a tree, a car and a rooster.
© Mark Wessels
Two black people are standing in a dark stage area wearing red clothes hanging on a washing line. The washing line runs along their shoulders. Both are holding their hands in front of their bellies.
© Mark Wessels
Rear view of a group of dancers on a stage. They are bare-chested, wearing white skirts with gold details. Some are sitting, some are standing.
© Mark Wessels
A group of people in red coats walk closely towards a woman in a white dress. A washing line with white skirts hangs in the background.
© Mark Wessels
A person backwards puts on a red coat hanging on a washing line. In front of her, two people in red coats walk into a dark stage area.
© Mark Wessels
A person in pointe shoes bends forwards with her back to the camera and stretches her arms out to the side. She is wearing a white skirt decorated with golden clothes pegs. A washing line with red fabric and people hangs in front of her.
© Mark Wessels
Rear view of four dancers. They are bare-chested, wearing red cloths on their heads and white skirts with gold details. They are standing on their toes in a ballet pose.
© Mark Wessels
Rear view of two dancers. They are bare-chested, wearing red cloths on their heads and white skirts with gold details. They are standing on their toes in a ballet pose.
© Val Adamson
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Concept, choreography, direction Mamela Nyamza Dancers Kirsty Ndawo, Amohelang Rooiland, Itumeleng Chiloane, Khaya Ndlovu, Thamsanqa Tshabalala, Kearabetswe Mogotsi, Noluyanda Mqulwana, Thimna Sitokisi, Zandile Constable, Tania Mteto Opera Singing Litho Nqai Live Traditional Music Given “Azah” Mphago Rehearsal Direction Kirty Ndwao Management Lighting, Stage, Sound David Hlatshwayo Technical Direction Thabo Pule, Elena Ruiz Lencioni Costume Co-Design Mamela Nyamza, Bhungane Mehlomakulu Management Nomsa Hani

Supported by the Alliance of International Production Houses and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

Co-produced by National Arts Council (NAC) and Makhanda Standard Bank National Arts Festival (NAF). Supported by Moving into Dance (MID) and #Friendswhosupportartists.