A naked person with long wet hair and micro-bangs sits in the dark in front of a red plastic bowl. She wears red gloves and holds her hands up to her face, looking angrily into the camera.
© Alípio Padilha
A naked person with long wet hair and micro-bangs sits in the dark in front of a red plastic bowl. She wears red gloves and holds her hands up to her face, looking angrily into the camera.
© Alípio Padilha

Tita Maravilha

Exercise for Mediocre Performers


The ticket link leads to the overview page of the festival. Day tickets are available there.

Past dates




9:00 PM




8:30 PM

A 50-minute, essentially sad, naturally bad solo performance. Tita Maravilha or »the worst performer«. Based on personal subjectivities, self-fiction process and the contemporary meta language of humour through scars. If you ask me: are you a Latin- American girl? I answer: Yes, I have scars. The problem is that good performers don'tlie, and I lie all the time. I love taking the risk of being alive.

Tita Maravilha is an actress, singer, performer and clown, who through the idea of a political body, brings in her artistic processes the pains and delights of being a dissident body. Graduated from Universidade De Brasília in 2018. Brazilian, resident in Portugal since 2018, where she develops, together with the artist CIGARRA, the electronic music and performance project »TRYPAS-CORASSÃO«.

Signs the creation of four solo performances. Trypas Corassão: Show in Two Acts (2020), Tita in Wonderland (2021), Exercise for mediocre performers (2021) and Exercise for a poor theater or letter to Grotowski (2022). Director and curator of Precárias: Festival De performance, which took place in 2022 in Lisbon.

In November 2021, at the invitation of CONTEMPOR NEA magazine, for the project »Community as immunity«, an article entitled »Art Travesti is Urgent«, available for reading. She won the 5th edition of the Amélia Rey Colaço Scholarship, promoted by Teatro Nacional D. Maria II (Lisbon), Centro Cultural Vila Flor, from O Espaço do Tempo and Teatro Viriato, with the project »The Three Sisters«, based on the text by Anton Tchekhov with premiere scheduled for May 2023. She is an urgent artist for the contemporary art scene in Lisbon.

Soundtrack: Bertrand Light Designer: Lui L'Abbate