Ein persönliches Archiv migrantischen Widerstandes im Hamburg der 90er
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Racist and right-wing violence in Germany is on a historical continuum and has currently increased massively again. Migrant, anti-racist, anti-fascist resistance structures have been countering this for decades with democratic education, activism and artistic interventions. However, the knowledge produced by these actors is made very invisible in society. The sociologist and activist Gürsel Yildirim owns a large unpublished archive of anti-fascist and anti-racist, self-organised resistance in Hamburg and beyond: photos from demonstrations and from the courtroom with a Minolta camera, original flyers, newspaper articles and posters. They document the continuity of racism in Germany, but also the self-organised struggles of Hamburg migrants, young people and refugees in the 1990s. The activist statements of that time have not lost their relevance, and many of the demands have not been heard until today – so we are wallpapering them again in the city, as a publicly accessible wall newspaper and insight into a personal knowledge archive.