27.September 2023 – 14.October 2023
Still Openhaus – It's Hard to Be Avantgarde
Season Opening 2023/24
Kampnagel last open-heartedly faced up to the “century of migration” in 2017, acknowledging circulation, movement and migration as the new normal and declaring itself OPENHAUS. Six years have now gone by, and what has changed in terms of migration policy? A lot! But unfortunately little for the better. We observe how differently refugees are treated and how fears continue to be stirred up on the backs of all migrants instead of trying out new ways of living together. While the reform of the asylum law is comparatively gently waved through, Europe continues to celebrate itself as a cosmopolitan. Kampnagel counters these dissonances by consistently recycling the 2017 season motto and dedicating the 2023/24 season once again to STRATEGIES FOR A MIGRANT POLITICAL SOCIETY. The second central idea IT’S HARD TO BE AVANTGARDE is not a coquetry, but an entertaining as well as critical reflection of the avant-garde and the zeitgeist – both, as is well known, the phenomena that make Kampnagel what it is. A place of community, fine arts and encounters, dialogue and experimentation, but above all it is a collective endeavor. We look forward to you and your participation!